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"Georgian song" by B. Okudzhava

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Автор Рябов Владимир   
              Владимир Рябов


I will plant a grapeseed in the warm and fertile georgian soil, 
I will kiss the grapevine and I'll gather the amber-ripe grapes, 
And I'll call all my friends and I'll tune to love my heart and soul, 
Else what for am I still living here in this eternal place? 

Come on gather my guests and partake of the meal in our session, 
Come on speak to my face who i am , what you think is my worth... 
King of heaven will pardon my faults and forgive my transgressions 
Else what for am I still living here on this eternal earth? 

In the dark red attire you'll be singing to me , oh, my darling, 
In the black-white attire I will kneel with her hand on my face, 
And I'll listen to her till I die of the sad love she's sharing, 
Else what for am I still living here in this eternal place? 

And if sunset should fume all around me and sweep at the corners, 
Let me see many times as a glimpse of a dream floating forth 
The white ox, the blue eagle, and the golden forelle in their honour, 
Else what for am I still living here on this eternal earth?


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